Our latest unit with S3 has been on teaching straight line graphs and inequalities. This covers the basics of finding equations of lines from graphs, drawing lines from the equation, finding equations from descriptions (eg gradient and a point), parallel and perpendicular lines, inequalities on the number line, solving linear inequalities and drawing and describing regions on the coordinate plane using inequalities. In this post I am going to talk a little about how I approached this last objective this year. First I checked that all students were able to draw lines from equations, and were relatively confident with this. This had been something we had focused on over the previous couple of weeks, with it popping up in the retrieval starters on a regular basis, so I was not expecting any problems at this point. All students were able to complete this task confidently. This year I have been focusing on giving appropriate examples (followed by a your turn question) and in trying to break processes down in to the constituent parts. To teach sketching regions given by inequalities, I took some inspiration from the excellent Math = Love blog, and created this template for students to use. For each example and your turn, I gave students a copy of this template within the work booklet that I print for them. The broken down structure helped the students to scaffold their thinking in the early acquisition of this skill, by prompting them in to each step. As students gained experience with answering the questions, the template was removed and they had to answer the questions from this Corbett Maths worksheet.
Quadratic Functions 4 Methods We explored 4 different ways to solve a problem on quadratic functions which I detail in this blog post. Chi Squared Break It Down I really enjoy teaching Chi Square tests to my IB Mathematical Studies students as it is something they have never encountered before, allowing them a fresh start with an area of Maths. For many of these students, they have a difficult past relationship with Maths, and this is a nice topic they can all access. This year I decided to really atomise the process, and describe how it went here. Newsletter Issue 8 The eighth issue of our T&L Newsletter is going out to all staff next week. You can find a copy of it here. Test-Enhanced Learning
For the T&L Newsletter I wrote a summary blog post for the article Test-Enhanced Learning which can be found here. In IB Mathematical Studies, students have to be able to complete a Chi Squared Test to determine independence (or not) of two variables. The full process of carrying out a Chi Squared test is quite long, and so I decided to break it down into small steps, and get students to master each step before adding on the next one. The steps are listed in the image below, which I showed to students at the start of the unit.
Dan Rodriguez-Clark
I am a maths teacher looking to share good ideas for use in the classroom, with a current interest in integrating educational research into my practice. Categories
August 2021