Coordinate Battleship All Four Quadrants
This is the classic game of Battleship, and we are going to use it to practise our coordinate skills.
You need an opponent for this game, and they need to have the same window open on their computer.
In the first window, position your boats on the map, so that each boat takes up the designated spaces (each blip should be on a point of the map). You can turn the boats sideways by grabbing the end points of the boats. Once you have positioned your boats, click "Fix Positions" to set the positions of the boats (from now you can not move the boats without resetting the whole activity).
Boats must NOT be diagonal.
In the first window, keep a track of where your enemy fires.
In the second window, keep track of where you shoot, and the hits and misses you get.
Take it in turns to call a coordinate of a point where you think the enemy might have a boat.
When your enemy gives you a coordinate of where he is shooting, you must say "Hit" or "Miss" to tell them if one of your boats lies on that coordinate. If a boat has all blips hit, you must declare "You sunk my battleship" to tell the other player a boat has been destroyed.
You should keep a track of your shots on the second window (with hits and misses), and a record of your enemies shots at you in the first window.
You need an opponent for this game, and they need to have the same window open on their computer.
In the first window, position your boats on the map, so that each boat takes up the designated spaces (each blip should be on a point of the map). You can turn the boats sideways by grabbing the end points of the boats. Once you have positioned your boats, click "Fix Positions" to set the positions of the boats (from now you can not move the boats without resetting the whole activity).
Boats must NOT be diagonal.
In the first window, keep a track of where your enemy fires.
In the second window, keep track of where you shoot, and the hits and misses you get.
Take it in turns to call a coordinate of a point where you think the enemy might have a boat.
When your enemy gives you a coordinate of where he is shooting, you must say "Hit" or "Miss" to tell them if one of your boats lies on that coordinate. If a boat has all blips hit, you must declare "You sunk my battleship" to tell the other player a boat has been destroyed.
You should keep a track of your shots on the second window (with hits and misses), and a record of your enemies shots at you in the first window.
Ideas for Teachers
This is a classic game, and offers some good practise for working with coordinates. Ensure all players know how to play, and this game will test their knowledge of naming coordinates and placing points on coordinates.
This is a classic game, and offers some good practise for working with coordinates. Ensure all players know how to play, and this game will test their knowledge of naming coordinates and placing points on coordinates.
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The first file is a pdf document containing the paper version of this activity (but in all four quadrants). The second file is the SMART notebook file with the activity attached.