About Me
I am a qualified Maths teacher who is currently teaching full time in an IB World School in Oxfordshire, UK. Prior to this I was a Maths teacher and the Teaching and Learning Coordinator at an international school in Lima, Peru. I have been teaching since 2011, and in that time I have developed many interactive resources for students to explore concepts more deeply. The improvements in technology have made this easier, and I like to use these resources often, and many of them can be found on this site. However, I also believe that students need to practice the skills they learn to develop fluency, just like you must practice a language to become fluent. For this reason I have also created a series of question generators which give teachers and students infinitely many randomly generated questions on many topics across the curriculum.
Before training to be a teacher, I studied Mathematics at the University of St Andrews where I graduated with a First Class MMath. I am a true "Maths Geek", and I love the subject even more with every new thing I discover. From the surprisingly simple to the more complex, there aren't many areas of maths that I don't find interesting. I would definitely describe myself as a Pure Mathematician, interested in Numbers and their patterns, and the underlying structures that connect different areas.
As a mathematics teacher, I am a member of the TES Maths Panel, which is an exciting project for me to be involved with. In this role I look through many of the fantastic resources which are available for free to download from TES, and rate and review them, highlighting the particularly exceptional ones.
I have also written and published my first book "50 Great Activities For Any Classroom", which is available as a paperback, on Kindle or as a PDF. This is a collection of ideas for activities which can be used in any classroom, and can replace a textbook to make learning more engaging.
I am also a Master Autograph Trainer, as I find Autograph to be a truly invaluable tool in the mathematics classroom. If you are interested in finding out about the possibility of me doing a training session at your school, then please Contact Me.
I currently live in Oxfordshire, UK, with my wife and two sons. We enjoy good food, travelling, and are, what you might call, Disney geeks, enjoying going to the many Disney parks around the world as often as we can.
I currently live in Oxfordshire, UK, with my wife and two sons. We enjoy good food, travelling, and are, what you might call, Disney geeks, enjoying going to the many Disney parks around the world as often as we can.
One of my little obsessions is the study of cryptography (code making and breaking), and it is something I have been interested in since my university days. I find the whole topic really interesting and can spend many an evening learning about some new code. It is an area I would like to get into the teaching year, and I have had a large amount of success with it as a classroom topic. I have a second site dedicated to cyrptography at crypto.interactive-maths.com
One of my little obsessions is the study of cryptography (code making and breaking), and it is something I have been interested in since my university days. I find the whole topic really interesting and can spend many an evening learning about some new code. It is an area I would like to get into the teaching year, and I have had a large amount of success with it as a classroom topic. I have a second site dedicated to cyrptography at crypto.interactive-maths.com
I am not only a mathematician. Although it does obviously take over a lot of my professional life, I have one other string to my bow which often surprises people. Most don't think of maths and drama as subjects that go together, but theatre is my second love. I have directed several critically acclaimed pieces, including "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Bent", and am always looking for ways to be more involved in this area of my life.
I am not only a mathematician. Although it does obviously take over a lot of my professional life, I have one other string to my bow which often surprises people. Most don't think of maths and drama as subjects that go together, but theatre is my second love. I have directed several critically acclaimed pieces, including "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Bent", and am always looking for ways to be more involved in this area of my life.