Pythagoras Proof
The four identical red triangles create a square in the activity below, combined with a square that is the size of the hypotenuse of the triangle.
Can you find a way to rearrange the red triangles within the blue square to show Pythagoras Theorem?
Hint: You are trying to fill the blue square using the four trianlges and two smaller squares, one of size each side of the triangle.
Can you find a way to rearrange the red triangles within the blue square to show Pythagoras Theorem?
Hint: You are trying to fill the blue square using the four trianlges and two smaller squares, one of size each side of the triangle.
If you are struggling, press the Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 buttons to show you how to rearrange them.
Why is this is a geometric proof of Pythagoras Theorem?
How many different variations are there?
Why is this is a geometric proof of Pythagoras Theorem?
How many different variations are there?
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