I like to use videos in lessons when they are appropriate. They can be great for explaining a key concept, showing students some extension material, or even setting them a problem. There are lots of places to find great videos online for use in the Maths classroom, and in trying to keep track of these, I have started a spreadsheet with links to them. Below is a viewable copy of the spreadsheet with the links I have added so far. Feel free to use these videos in your own teaching. But to make this even better, why not add some of your own videos to the list using this link. Hopefully this can become a really useful list that Maths teachers around the world can make use of! Enjoy.
I am going to start by saying that I do not think that this idea is perfect for all, and it certainly shouldn't be used to replace other homework types. However, I have trialled using Google Forms for a term with a class, and the results have been good. I will detail what I did, and my thoughts on this experiment in this blog post. With the class I decided to trial this with, I set them at least one of their two homeworks a week using Google Forms (and sometimes both homeworks). This involved me initially setting up the Google Form (see my previous blog post for details). For each, I also set up an email response for the form, which gave the students a copy of their answers. Although this took more time to set up than just setting a homework from the homework books, it did have many advantages over the tradtional way of setting homework. Also, now that they are set up, I can reuse them with other classes. For the vast majority of the homeworks, I did not come up with my own questions, but rather used the questions from the homework book that I would otherwise have set them. From my point of view as the teacher, there were several benefits to this type of homework:
From the point of view of my students, there were also several benefits:
There were some downsides to using Google Forms, and something I will change in the future:
Overall, I had a very positive experience using Google Forms to set homeworks. Despite more work to initially set up the homework, the amount of menial marking was drastically reduced, and it gave me significantly more time to focus on each individuals learning and needs. I will definitely continue to use this as a way to set homeworks, and extend it to more of my classes.
Dan Rodriguez-Clark
I am a maths teacher looking to share good ideas for use in the classroom, with a current interest in integrating educational research into my practice. Categories
August 2021