Earlier in the month I attended the Instructional Coaching Institute in Lawrence, Kansas. This institute is designed to give an overview of The Impact Cycle as developed by Jim Knight, and how this is an integral part to the instructional coaching model. I produced the Summary Map below of the main ideas to share with my management team, which includes some links to further reading and videos available online.
Knowing that I was going to the Instructional Coaching Institute, and being aware of the importance of the 'instructional playbook', as Jim Knight calls it, I decided to read through Doug Lemov's Teach Like a Champion 2.0 from cover to cover. I had previously dipped into various of the techniques, but never read it all the way through. I go into detail on my takeaways of this amazing book here.
Blake Harvard (@effortfuleduktr) recently posted a blog titled The Most Important Question in Education. In it he talks about the reasons we tend to have disagreements when discussing education, and says they mostly boil down to one of two things:
- A different definition of some term;
- A different outlook on the purpose of education.
For me, education has four broad purposes (in no particular order):
— Dylan Wiliam (@dylanwiliam) April 28, 2019
Personal empowerment
Transmission of culture
Preparation for democratic citizenship
Preparation for work
The problem is that that these four broad purposes interact, and conflict...
I had a cover lesson for a colleague where he wanted me to introduce simplifying surds to his low achieving class. I did this in a slightly different way to how I have in the past.
Over the last few years I have become obsessed with the Science of Learning, cognitive science and evidence informed practice. I have become a much more explicit teacher, planning my examples and explanations clearly. I rarely use discovery learning any more.