In a few weeks time, we have the opportunity to celebrate the ultimate pi day. I know many of my colleagues from twitter are attending the Maths Conference 2015 (#mathsconf2015) on that day, and I have to admit I am very jealous that I cannot make it (being in Peru, it is a bit too long of a commute). But that got me thinking about what I would do to celebrate the day. And more than that, how could we celebrate it at school, especially as it falls on a Saturday. |
I am going to run a competition that all students at school can enter where all they must do is take a photo of what they are doing at 9:26:53 on March 14 2015. There needs to be proof it was taken at that time (or near enough at least). This could be with a clock in the picture, or a timestamped image. It should also be vaguely mathematically themed.
I am also thinking of running a numbers challenge, similar to the classic Four 4s puzzle, which entails students using the five digits 3 1 4 1 5 with any operations they like to make as many of the numbers from 1 to 100 as possible.