Treasure Hunt Generator
This QQI Worksheet produces a set of Treasure Hunt cards for a set of questions which you type in. See my Blog Post here.
When you choose how many questions you would like (it has to be a multiple of 4) a set of boxes will appear for you to type your questions and answers. Details on each of these are below:
Instruction Text
In this box type any question that you want to appear in standard text. This could be the instructions for a mathematical element (which will be typed in the next box), such as "Solve", or it could be a purely worded question, with no maths input at all. If you are not a maths teacher, this is where you will type your questions! If you want to include some limited maths text in this area you can, simply enclose the mathsy bit between \ ( and \ ) (but without the spaces). For example, \ (x^3\ ) will be properly shown as \(x^3\) in the final product. You can adjust the font size of this text to better fit in the box.
This is the area to type mathematical text that will appear below the instruction text. Select the box you want to add maths text to, and use the toolbar (or type LaTeX functions directly) to input mathematical symbols and expressions. These will preview to the right of the relevant box, so adjust to get want you want. If you want to insert a line break (for example in simultaneous equations) type \\ where you want the new line to begin. You can adjust the font size of this text to better fit in the box, though it will rescale down if too big for the box.
Check the box in this column if you would like to add an image to each card. You will be able to add the images on the next page, by scrolling to the bottom of the page and adding the images in the solutions section. The cards will automatically update with these images. This can be a good option if you have a mixed type of question too: simply make the image first and upload it directly. You can use the image with both question text and instruction text, but if you use all three there can be problems with formatting when you try to print.
Type the answer to the question here. This can be in plain text (like the instruction text) or in math type (like the question box). If you want math type, you can use the toolbar here as well, and make sure you select the box to show the answer in Maths Type (a preview will appear when you do this).
You must have an answer for each question, and at least one of the instruction text the question or an image, otherwise an error will be returned. You can choose which of the three question elements you want to be shown using the checkboxes next to each input area.
Once this is complete, simply click Generate Activity, and the Treasure Hunt will be produced in a new window.
Printing and Saving Information
In the initial settings you have two choices: four cards per page or one card per page.
If you choose One Card Per Page, then a single card will fill an A4 piece of paper. This is a great option if you want to put the cards up around the room as they will be big enough to see easily. In this case make sure you are in select Portrait in the printing options.
If you choose Four Cards Per Page, then four smaller cards will be printed on each A4 page. This option is great to create a set of loop cards to use in small groups. To get this print in Portrait mode.
The final option is to choose Four Cards Per Page and print in Landscape. This will print Two Cards Per Page, which are a size in between the other two options.
If using Chrome (or you have a PDF add-in on your browser) you can also save the page as a PDF file (it will be one of the printer options). This is a good way to go if you want to reuse the treasure hunt each year.
Saving and Importing Data
It is possible to export the data that you have filled in to the form (with the exception of images). This is a great option if you create a Treasure Hunt activity at home and want to print it at school.
Once you have filled in the boxes you want, and have selected which things to include, simply press the Copy Data button at the bottom of the activity. This will open a pop-up with brief instructions of what you need to do. In short, the save data will be already selected in the Treasure Hunt Data box. Simply click Ctrl+C (or CMD+C on a Mac) to copy the data, and paste it into a text document, which you can save.
When you want to print the Treasure Hunt, open up this page and copy the text from your document. Paste it into the box labelled "Treasure Hunt data" and press the button Load Data, located near the top of the activity. The boxes will populate with your previously saved data.
When you choose how many questions you would like (it has to be a multiple of 4) a set of boxes will appear for you to type your questions and answers. Details on each of these are below:
Instruction Text
In this box type any question that you want to appear in standard text. This could be the instructions for a mathematical element (which will be typed in the next box), such as "Solve", or it could be a purely worded question, with no maths input at all. If you are not a maths teacher, this is where you will type your questions! If you want to include some limited maths text in this area you can, simply enclose the mathsy bit between \ ( and \ ) (but without the spaces). For example, \ (x^3\ ) will be properly shown as \(x^3\) in the final product. You can adjust the font size of this text to better fit in the box.
This is the area to type mathematical text that will appear below the instruction text. Select the box you want to add maths text to, and use the toolbar (or type LaTeX functions directly) to input mathematical symbols and expressions. These will preview to the right of the relevant box, so adjust to get want you want. If you want to insert a line break (for example in simultaneous equations) type \\ where you want the new line to begin. You can adjust the font size of this text to better fit in the box, though it will rescale down if too big for the box.
Check the box in this column if you would like to add an image to each card. You will be able to add the images on the next page, by scrolling to the bottom of the page and adding the images in the solutions section. The cards will automatically update with these images. This can be a good option if you have a mixed type of question too: simply make the image first and upload it directly. You can use the image with both question text and instruction text, but if you use all three there can be problems with formatting when you try to print.
Type the answer to the question here. This can be in plain text (like the instruction text) or in math type (like the question box). If you want math type, you can use the toolbar here as well, and make sure you select the box to show the answer in Maths Type (a preview will appear when you do this).
You must have an answer for each question, and at least one of the instruction text the question or an image, otherwise an error will be returned. You can choose which of the three question elements you want to be shown using the checkboxes next to each input area.
Once this is complete, simply click Generate Activity, and the Treasure Hunt will be produced in a new window.
Printing and Saving Information
In the initial settings you have two choices: four cards per page or one card per page.
If you choose One Card Per Page, then a single card will fill an A4 piece of paper. This is a great option if you want to put the cards up around the room as they will be big enough to see easily. In this case make sure you are in select Portrait in the printing options.
If you choose Four Cards Per Page, then four smaller cards will be printed on each A4 page. This option is great to create a set of loop cards to use in small groups. To get this print in Portrait mode.
The final option is to choose Four Cards Per Page and print in Landscape. This will print Two Cards Per Page, which are a size in between the other two options.
If using Chrome (or you have a PDF add-in on your browser) you can also save the page as a PDF file (it will be one of the printer options). This is a good way to go if you want to reuse the treasure hunt each year.
Saving and Importing Data
It is possible to export the data that you have filled in to the form (with the exception of images). This is a great option if you create a Treasure Hunt activity at home and want to print it at school.
Once you have filled in the boxes you want, and have selected which things to include, simply press the Copy Data button at the bottom of the activity. This will open a pop-up with brief instructions of what you need to do. In short, the save data will be already selected in the Treasure Hunt Data box. Simply click Ctrl+C (or CMD+C on a Mac) to copy the data, and paste it into a text document, which you can save.
When you want to print the Treasure Hunt, open up this page and copy the text from your document. Paste it into the box labelled "Treasure Hunt data" and press the button Load Data, located near the top of the activity. The boxes will populate with your previously saved data.
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